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  我们往往被告知,在雅思口语当中,越简单的答案,越能够得到考官的青睐。K.I.S.S(Keep it simple stupid)原则也深深为广大烤鸭认同。把考官当做一个6岁的孩子来和其聊天,也不失为一种将难题简化、深入浅出的极佳方式。但是,潍坊天润雅思英语学校提示如果从头到尾用简单句――万年不变的一般现在时、主谓宾结构、主动语态,是很难刺激考官听觉的。这种simple,并不是keep it simple中的simple。Simple的正确打开方式:加入多样化的语法结构和表达方式。这并不意味着让答案变得complex,而是impressive and unique。

  ***WHAT? ――完成时打开方式

  1 现在完成时:

  基本结构:主语 + have + v.-ed


  标志性时间词:since + 具体时间点/过去的动作/段时间 + ago, for + 段时间

  2 现在完成进行时

  基本结构:主语 + have been + v.-ing


  标志性时间词:so far, up till now, all night, all day, thewhole day, since + 具体时间点/过去的动作/段时间 + ago, for + 段时间

  ***HOW? ――完成时运用方法&实例

  Part 1

  1)考官问题:Are you a student or doyou work?

  普通烤鸭:I’m a student. I study in Changjun MiddleSchool.

  用心烤鸭:I’m a student. I have been studying in Changjun Middle school for two and a halfyears.

  2)考官问题:Did you like scienceclasses when you were young?

  普通烤鸭:Yes. When I was young, I liked scienceclasses very much. My science teacher was very funny.

  用心烤鸭:Yes, I’vebeen really keen on science since I had my first science class at the ageof seven. I’ve learned a lot about it since then.

  3)考官问题:What are the mostpopular subjects in China?

  普通烤鸭:I think Chinese and Math are the most popularsubjects in our country. They’re very interesting.

  用心烤鸭:As far as I know, English has been one of the most popularsubjects in our country for at least two decades. I mean, since the 1990s, thegovernment has tried to promote thelanguage levels of the public as the country is opening up to the world.

  4)考官问题:Why did you choose that university?

  普通烤鸭:Because my parents told me that theuniversity was very famous and they hope I can get a good education.

  用心烤鸭:Because xxx university has long been considered to be one of the most prestigiousuniversities in China and my parents wanted to make sure that I get a goodeducation.

  2 Part 2

  考生可能觉得临时想段子有难度,那么也可以直接背诵几个常用的完成时态表达来替换自己Part 2答案的常用表达,比如:

  have / has been dreamingof doing代替want to do

  sb have / has beenconsidered to be adj.代替 sb. is adj.

  sb. had been askingfor sth. before …代替 sb. wanted sth. when …

  have / has beenworking/learning …

  1) Part 2地点题:Describe a foreign country youwould like to go. / Describe a special journey you would like to go in the future. /Describe a place near water.

  普通烤鸭:I wanted to travel to Philippines when I sawthe beautiful pictures.

  用心烤鸭:I’ve been dreamingof visiting Philippinessince I first learned about it from a magazine called National Geography.

  2) Part 2人物题:Describe a person you admire who isolder than you. / Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet. /Describe a family member.

  普通烤鸭:I’d like to talk about my tutor. She isworking in xxx university and she’s an expert.

  用心烤鸭:I’d like to talk about my tutor / a popularlanguage teacher, Ever, who has beenworking in xxx university for 3 decades and has become an expert in the field.

  3) Part 2人物题:Describe a family member.

  普通烤鸭:My father is reliable and amiable. We canalways rely on him.

  用心烤鸭:My father has long been considered to be an amiable and reliable person, who wecan always rely on.

  4) Part 2物品题: Describe a product you bought and felt happy.

  普通烤鸭:I wanted to have a Barbie doll at that time.

  用心烤鸭:I’d been dreaming of having a Barbie doll since Ifirst saw it in a boutique.

  5) Part 2物品题:Describe a perfect job.

  普通烤鸭:I want to become a dentist.

  用心烤鸭:I’d been dreaming of becoming a dentist sincechildhood.

  6) Part 2事件题:Describe a recent happy event.

  普通烤鸭:I wanted my parents to throw a party for meand my parents said no. Two months later, they finally agreed.

  用心烤鸭:I had been asking my parents for a birthday partyfor 2 months before my parents finally said yes.





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